Rainbow Gatherings are not festivals.
Rather they’re organic, intentional meet ups of interesting people from around the world who build up a temporary village in nature for a cycle of the moon.
There are no organisers and no tickets, you just turn up with a tent, a plate, a spoon and a cup and give your love and energy to take part, help out, share your knowledge and make it a great event.
No one online can ever speak for the Rainbow Family – if you go then you’re as much part of it as anyone else – but you can find about Rainbow Gatherings in Australia and New Zealand by word of mouth or by joining the right Facebook groups.
Rainbow Gatherings in Australia
Rainbow Gatherings in New Zealand
Rainbow Gatherings in Tasmania
That should be enough to give you a chance to find a Rainbow Gathering down under!
Learn more by reading a book about the Rainbow Gatherings..
Or watch the Rainbow musical on Youtube for an intro about what it’s like to go to a Gathering for the first time..